Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Life moves on

I checked my blog after a long time and realised that my last posting was in summer. Well summer is gone and fall is over with winter setting in. Past few months have been hectic on all fronts (details censored) but I am looking forward to winter in Seattle. I don't know why but this year I have started liking the winter in Northwest. I have started liking staying indoors. Waiting for the first snow in the city, though we had first hail fall this evening.

2007 is about to get over in another 6 weeks. Time is relative and it is moving much quickly than few years before. I wish we could stop it and experience the bliss in each moment.

Even world is changing so fast every moment. There's information over spill everywhere. Not sure where it will lead us; Darwin's theory would still hold.

I have been wanting to write some interesting blogs, I will keep it for next time.
Happy Thanks Giving !!